Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Bear on a Bridge

One of my favorite places to visit, about 4 minutes from my house, is called Hiltscher trail.  It's located in the hills of Fullerton, where many people own horses.  You will find people taking their daily walks for exercise, people biking, people walking their dogs, and sometimes, people on horses.  I recently took my small Chihuahua, Pee-Wee, to Hiltscher trail for an afternoon walk, and Burton the bear accompanied us.  I took many photos of Burton, but this particular shot reminds me of one of my favorite childhood books, "The House At Pooh Corner," by A. A. Milne.  In this book, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends enjoy a game called "Pooh Sticks".  They all stand on a bridge and each of them drops a stick into the river below at the same time.  They quickly move to the other side of the bridge, to see which of their sticks will emerge first (the winner being the one whose stick appears first).   Below is an illustration of Pooh Sticks from the book:

It's too bad there was no water under the bridge for Burton and I to play our own game of Pooh Sticks.  Someday we will have to go river-hunting and find a suitable bridge.  I know Burton would love that.

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